About Lawyer Directory Canada

Welcome to LawyerDirectoryCanada, home of the best lawyer directory in Canada! We made this site because we noticed most of the lawyer directories in Canada look outdated and wanted something fresh for law firms and lawyers that wanted to get listed and found easier online.

Our goal is for users to find lawyers across the country in hundreds of cities ready to take on your cases. And for lawyers and law firms to get more clients and get more exposure.

All law firm and lawyer directory submissions with us will be moderated so that only real lawyers and law firms are approved to be on our website.

Find lawyers and law firms

Users can find lawyers and law firms by city or area of practice.

Get Listed

Lawyers and law firms can add a listing to their site with images, a description and link to their website and social media.

Featured Listings

If you want your listing to be found by more people you can pay extra for a featured listing on the home page of our site.